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Small Business Tax Accountant

Tax Accountant

Tax Preparation

Our tax preparation service removes the complex and confusing tasks of preparing your taxes, allowing you to concentrate growing your business. A seasoned tax accountant will prepare all of the tax returns that are required for business federal, state and local:

Sales Tax
Personal Property Tax

Tax Planning

Also included as an integral part of our service is tax planning. Our professional tax accountants will review your tax situation several times per year and suggest strategies for reducing your tax bill such as asset acquisition, retirement plans, income deferral, etc. We will also plan for any projected tax liabilities through estimated taxes or payroll withholdings. We know our clients don’t like year end surprises and need to budget both for tax deferral strategies and tax liabilities.


I would like to take this opportunity to commend Snyder and Company, PA for doing an outstanding job.  I can truly say that they provide excellent customer service.   I have had the pleasure of working with Rob for the last several years and I couldn’t ask for a more professional, dedicated and committed CPA.  Rob always give his undivided attention to whatever matter or concern may arise.  He has helped me over come several obstacles throughout the years and has done so graciously.  Rob has gone beyond the call of duty to assist me establish an LLC and healthcare benefits for the company.
Rob is very knowledgeable when it comes to the ever changing tax laws and provides guidance on the best way to move forward my when changes directly affect my business.   
I would not hesitate to recommend Snyder and Company to anyone in need of excellent financial service.
Sharon Carter, Owner-Director, Toddlers Tech
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